Residential Treatment
Therapeutic Group Homes
Lifetime Commitment
Residential Treatment
Client Profile
- Must be between 12-17 years old
- Must present with a Full Scale IQ of 70 or higher
- Must have a quality DSM 5 diagnoses, such as the following:
- Mood or Trauma-related Disorder
- Impulse Control Disorder
- Conduct Disorders
- Secondary Substance Use Disorder
- May demonstrate risky behaviors including self-injury, physical aggression and / or poor coping
- May have experienced significant and complex trauma
- Must have failed less restrictive treatment alternatives
- Specialty services available to youth who have experienced sexual exploitation or trafficking.
Mingus Mountain Youth Treatment offers a fully inclusive educational program, running year-round education services providing middle and high school courses supported by an accelerated program. We offer integrated Exceptional Student Services and our clients participate in coursework accredited through North Central Association. Additionally, clients are offered several educational pathways such as GED and college preparation. Mingus Mountain YTC offers hands-on learning and participates in community development and school field trips.
Mingus Mountain Youth Treatment Center is proud to have begun offering college courses for our Mingus clients. Our clients are receiving both high school credit and college credit, regardless of location or mode of delivery. This includes such coursework offered at the high school, on the institution’s campus, or via distance education. This also includes programs and courses that may be offered under different names such as “early college”, “dual credit,” or “concurrent enrollment.” The academic rigor of such coursework matches the quality of other institutional coursework, regardless of location or mode of delivery. We believe that this will enhance our educational offerings here at Mingus and are excited to be able to offer it.
Client Life
Our clients have many opportunities to engage in therapeutic activities while attending the Center. Indoor and outdoor recreational spaces, such as a gymnasium and outdoor court, provide opportunities for clients to participate in wide variety sports and physical activities. The equine therapy program supports youth in learning healthy relationships and boundaries through interactions with our on-campus horses and miniature donkeys. Clients are also provided an opportunity to learn culinary skills and obtain safe-serve certification working in our cafeteria, which provides clients a chance to invest in their future. In addition, there are opportunities to attend off campus activities like bowling, attending a movie, world’s oldest rodeo, and volunteering in various areas in the community.
Mountain Lions Club
Mingus Mountain Youth Treatment Center has a client-run organization, the Mountain Lions Club, similar to a high school student government. The MLC helps develop leadership skills and self-confidence while providing opportunities to exercise the therapeutic skills learned in treatment. All clients have the opportunity to join the Mountain Lions Club and further develop their skills to help fellow clients grow and learn from one another.

15801 E Don Carlos Drive
Prescott Valley, AZ 86315
Referrals: 928-772-4131
Records Request:

Compliance Hotline
1.855.955.3070 (toll-free)