Empowerment over Exploitation

Mingus’s DMST programming falls under our Empowerment over Exploitation program. This includes specialized groups using several trauma-informed and survivor-informed curriculums to explore the trauma surrounding exploitation and developing resiliency. We screen all youth at intake using the HT Risk Assessment to look at sexual exploitation risk factors. We perform quarterly trainings with staff regarding exploitation risk factors and looking at exploitation through a trauma informed lens. Our Empowerment over Exploitation program creates a safe space where survivors and at-risk clients can talk about their experiences openly and with confidence that confidentiality will be upheld. Students will cover topics such as: Selling the fairytale/false promises, trauma bonds, self-defeating thoughts and behavior, identity disturbance, control and manipulation, and shame and they will use literature such as “And He Called Me Angel” and “Girls Like Us” as support material each week. Students in the intervention program will also work on a Comprehensive Empowerment Plan that they will review both in group as well as their individual therapy sessions.

These trafficking services are available for adolescent girls 12-17 who are either survivors of sex trafficking or are high-risk for sex trafficking. We offer this program at both our BHIF and BHRF levels of care. The program has two tracks: 

  • “Empowerment Over Exploitation- Intervention”
    • Eligibility = clients who have been confirmed (themselves, their team, and/or police) to be sex trafficking survivors
    • 3-month group, in addition to normal MMYTC curriculum
    • Continue meeting after graduating group until the end of their MMYTC stay with sex trafficking program coordinator. This includes building life skills, outings for community integration, how to apply for jobs, going to the store, healthy relationships, appropriate dress/makeup, etc.
  • “Empowerment Over Exploitation- Prevention”
    • May also enroll a client if requested by their treatment team
    • Eligibility = clients who scored high risk (substance use, running away behaviors, older partners, associating with those involved in trafficking, etc.), but no confirmed history of sex trafficking
    • 10+ sessions of curriculum + individual therapy sessions to further process
    • MMYTC hopes to eventually offer this program to all clients.


Empowerment over Exploitation: This program is trauma and survivor informed and individualized to equip, enlighten, and empower girls who are being sexually exploited, are at risk of being sexually exploited, or have previously been sexually exploited. EOE group therapy will include in-depth discussions re: indicators of risk, definition in terms, trauma bonds, manipulation vs motivation, victim vs survivor vs self, resilience and recovery. The group includes students making an empowerment plan.

My Life My Choice:  My Life My Choice provides an in-depth examination into vulnerabilities that our girls have. It helps the youth shift away from the path that leads towards sexual exploitation. This curriculum looks at what trafficking is, unhealthy relationships, substance abuse, and low-self-esteem as imperative risk factors. Sexual and reproductive health education and real stories of trafficking victims are also included.

Ending the Game:  Ending the Game provides a structure and framework to repair the harmful psychological coercion our girls have suffered from through their experience being trafficked. The goal of “Ending the Game” is to unravel the mind control techniques used by traffickers and empower the victims with the skills to recover from the trauma of trafficking. 

Sex Trafficking Awareness and Recovery (STAR): STAR group is an 11-week psychoeducation group using a cognitive behavioral framework to support building awareness and experiencing narration of trauma and sex trafficking experiences. 

emPOWER: emPOWER is designed for groups and individuals seeking recovery from experiences of abuse, controlling relationships or the sex industry. emPOWER is a compilation of relevant information provided by various authors, researchers, therapists and survivors. The workbook is complete with instructions and 70 lessons of applicable material, including information on abuse, controlling relationships, addiction, prevention, human trafficking, mental health, recovery, etc. This workbook can serve as a guide for any passionate individual or instructor to start an emPOWER support group. emPOWER groups are designed to be ongoing and can be lead in various types of facilities, including detention centers, social service agencies and churches. emPOWER promotes a resilience and strengths perspective. 

Best Life- Human Trafficking Prevention Curriculum For Youth: Best Life is based on 100+ hours of research and consultation with survivors and anti-trafficking advocates. This is a studied and proven, fully packaged curriculum and training and it’s not just for classrooms and for teachers. This curriculum is also useful for social service groups and/or gathering and programs where youth consistently attend. While many prevention curricula provides education, this curriculum has been designed and evaluated to lower risk among girls 12-17 years old that are at high risk.

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